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The Titan Hand Auger System offers a state-of-the-art, high-performance soil sampling and sub-surface exploration tool. The Titan Auger uses aerospace grade titanium which provides superior strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion.

The Titan Hand Auger system consists of Ti T-handle, 2- foot long extension tubes with bayonet couplings, and custom designed cutting heads using Ti tubing and hardened stainless steel cutting heads or double helix augers.

The T handle is 1 foot long with a bayonet coupling attached directly to the handle. The handle is marked with a scale in inch and 1/10 foot increments for measuring samples.

The standard extensions are 2 feet long, with a bayonet coupling, and indexing every 6 inches. The indexing on the extensions and the handle is lazer-engraved, which creates a Ti-oxide surface that is harder than the parent metal.

The standard cutting head set consists of 2 tools that will handle most soil types and conditions. A 1" diameter,1 foot long, windowed tube with a custom designed 4-toothed hardened stainless steel cutting head, and a 1" diameter 7.5 inch long helical auger (on a Ti tube handle/coupling making the tool 1 foot long).

In addition to the 1" helical head I have produced a 1.25" helical auger. The double helix augers are made using stainless steel, hardened and tempered for tool strength and durability of the cutting surface. This tool has a broad and deep u-shaped soil channel on each side of the auger, providing excellent sample retention and volume for the hole diameter. The flights are The stainless steel will never corrode, and will always release the sample with ease. The 1.25" head gives the best "feel" for geotechnical work, eliminating any potential for sidewall interference. The 1 inch head is useful in stiff soils, and can be used in a hole that was started with the 1" tube core sampler. Both augers are 7.5 inches and mounted on pieces of Ti tubing that makes a good handle, the female portion of the bayonet coupling, and the convenience of the tool being 1 foot long.

I designed the 2" tube cutter for conditions where larger samples and intact core are required. The 2" head is made of Ti tubing, with multi-toothed hardened stainless steel cutting head, and a stainless steel coupling.

 !   News
After more than 20 years of experience as a field geologist, I decided to make a better hand auger.
I use my hand auger a few times a week, and have drilled hundreds of feet by hand over the past 20 years. I find that I am now having to go to depths of up to 20 feet in order to obtain the data that I need for the more difficult sites. This is a near impossible task to complete with the conventional steel auger systems. The light weight combined with great rigidity of Titanium makes a drill string that does not flex, yet is so light that 20' can be hauled up out of the hole and laid down by hand with ease.

Hand Tools Save Money
With ease of use, light weight, and superior cutting heads, the Titan Hand Auger System increases the productivity of the individual user, and as a result produces great benefits to a project in terms of efficiently collecting high-quality data. Hand augers have applications in Soil Science, Geotechnical and Environmental Consulting, Academia and Mineral Exploration.
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